Forest dependency as a means of livelihood has dropped perceptibly in villages particularly near wet zone forests during the past few decades.

Livelihood pattern of the people of an area is directly influenced by the local biodiversity. Biodiversity is essential for human survival and economic well-being, and for the ecosystem function and stability. Over exploitation and biodiversity loss affects livelihood and food security of the local. People change their livelihood strategies as an adaptive response to changes in their environment. Some livelihoods flourish while others diminish, and this ebb and flow is the result of a changing livelihood context.

Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) is situated in the Southeast of Bangladesh covering about 10 per cent of the total land. It is the native hoe of 13 tribal communities and these communities have their own traditional knowledge for natural resource managements. This paper provides 8 traditional knowledge namely, folk classification of landform, land use zoning, community reserve for common resource management, fuel wood selection for domestic use, water harvesting ditches, tree management in the jhum field by the Murang community, coppice management of Gmelina arborea Roxb.

Experts at a roundtable here on Monday said the government should promote alternative fuels in rural areas and formulate new laws for effective forest management so that the communities continue to benefit from the resources and contribute towards its regeneration.

They also demanded revision of forest laws, addressing landownership and judicious distribution of royalty among forest communities

Community forestry has been rewarded with US$ 95,000 (approximately Rs 6.8 million) for reducing emissions in the atmosphere causing climate change through enhancement of carbon stocks and sustainable management of forests.

Representatives of three community forest users

The Republic of Congo will plant 1 million hectares of trees by 2020 to restore degraded forest and provide wood for paper and fuel, the president said on Friday.

President Denis Sassou N'Guesso made the announcement on the final day of a weeklong summit in the Congolese capital, aimed at tackling deforestation in the Amazon, Congo and Borneo-Mekong forest basins, the three largest in the world

Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh today took exception to diesel subsidy being "enjoyed" by mobile companies and owners of luxury vehicles and suggested that the measure be instead extended to people in the forest areas in the form of cooking gas rebate to help save the trees.

"Diesel subsidy was meant to benefit the users in the agriculture sector.

Investing an additional $40 billion annually in the forestry sector can halve deforestation rates by 2030, increase rates of tree planting by about 140 per cent by the year 2050, and catalyse the creation of millions of new jobs, according to a report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
Backed by the right kind of enabling policies, such an investment

This study provides the review of two World Bank experts on the 19 household projects supported by the Bank.

The present study was undertaken to determine the ambient air quality with respect to suspended particulate matter (TSPM), respirable suspended particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) at Sonamarg- a tourist hill station in Kashmir valley. The ambient air quality at three different station namely Sonamarg town, Thajwas and
