The govt's move to once again defer the enforcement of detailed nutritional information on packaged food labels is incomprehensible

Business Standard / New Delhi April 5, 2009, 0:46 IST

Dilip Kumar Jha / Mumbai March 26, 2009, 0:19 IST

Terming blending of crude palm oil with other oils as an "unfair trade practice", leading edible oil manufacturers, packers and traders in the country have demanded that the government broaden the scope of an existing law to ban sale of loose oil.

New Delhi: The Delhi Government has extended for three months the ban on sale of Chinese dairy products, which contained high-level of kidney-stone causing chemical, in the national Capital. The products were banned in the country in September last year in the wake of the detection of high level of industrial chemical melamine that had affected thousands of children in China late last year.

NEW DELHI: To keep a check on food adulteration and to maintain international food standards for the products being manufactured in the state, the Union Ministry of Food Processing Industries in association with the state government, has decided to set up a fully-automated world class food quality monitoring laboratory in Pathanamthitta district.

This Act may be cited as the

Standing Committee on Agriculture, present this Forty Sixth Report on

To ensure supply of good quality foodgrains for mid-day meal scheme under the Public Distribution System (PDS), the government has issued fair average quality foodgrains conforming to the Food Adulteration Act (PFA) standards, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Friday.

A bill to regulate the import, manufacture, export, sale, transport, distribution, quality and use of pesticides with a view to.

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI, has declared 2008-09 as Food safety and Quality Year. Food safety implies absence or safe levels of various of kinds of contaminants. Sources of food contamination include harmful chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, colouring agents, additives, adulterants etc.

Adulterated milk is one of the main topics of discussion. Studies all over the city have revealed that the adulteration levels vary from 5% to 25%.
