Civil aviation officials are expected to endorse a proposal that would have airlines buy credits to offset rising carbon emissions, at a 10-day meeting that opened in Montreal Tuesday.

Pollution has been rightfully a growing concern in the country off late. This matter and the relevant numbers have lead the government to undertake many measures to help not only control but also reduce pollution in India.

OSLO – The last gasoline-powered car will have to be sold by about 2035 to put the world on track to limit global warming to the most stringent goal set by world leaders last year, a study said on

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new type of inverter device with greater efficiency in a smaller, lighter package -- which should improve the fuel-efficiency and ran

Thousands of models are 30% worse on average when measuring miles per gallon in real-world conditions, according to comprehensive new data

The transport sector accounted for nearly a quarter of global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2011. With motorization expected to rapidly increase in the developing world, growing emissions from the transport sector could pose a serious challenge to global efforts to address climate change.

Although efficient ships save shipowners money on fuel, they do not attract green premiums or preferential contracts, research suggests


Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have engineered a potentially game-changing solar cell that cheaply and efficiently converts atmospheric carbon dioxide directly into usable hyd

If you look at the carbon footprint that India has made ambitious reduction commitments for, these are based on fuel efficiency of vehicles – the Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFÉ) norms) – w
