In this paper the impact of various agglomerative forces on employment growth in Ghanaian manufacturing is investigated, using data from two firm censuses, as well as population census and trade data.
It is well recognized that infrastructure investment is vital for growth. However, its financial implications could be huge, which could not be met by traditional sources of financing only.
This study explores the key challenges to accessing affordable energy (SDG 7) at the household level in Ghana, and determines the groups of people that are ‘left behind’ using the decision tree analysis. Evidence shows that rural poor households in Ghana have the lowest levels of access to clean energy.
The Census report will provide a basis to monitor the progress of Government’s interventions, offer insights on the transformation of the sector, and, ensure the integration of the agriculture, industry and services sectors.
Land provides the basis for food production and is an indispensable input for economic livelihoods in rural areas. Landownership is strongly associated with social and economic power, not only across communities and households, but also within households.
Ghana’s real gross domestic product (GDP) expanded in 2018, albeit at a slower rate than in 2017; the expansion was spurred by the mineral component of the industry sector. The government sustained its fiscal consolidation efforts in 2018 despite challenges.
The frequency of natural disasters, especially storms and floods, has been increasing globally over the last several decades. Developing countries are especially vulnerable to such disasters but are often the least capable of coping with the associated impacts because of their limited adaptive capacity.
A new report released by the Health Effects Institute synthesizing nine research and policy studies conducted in Ghana finds that household air pollution is a significant contributor to fine particle outdoor air pollution in Ghana.
More than 94,000 people die of non communicable diseases (NCDs) in Ghana every year, a study by the Ghana Non-Communicable Disease Alliance (GhNCDA) has revealed.
The Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, launched at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, aims to enable 120 million additional women to use modern contraceptive methods by 2020 in the world’s 69 poorest countries. It will require almost doubling the pre-2012 annual growth rate of modern contraceptive prevalence rat