Annual rate of deforestation in Pakistan ranges from 4-6 per cent, while carbon dioxide emissions are increasing annually at the rate of 8-10 per cent which is an alarming trend.

The United Nation's panel of climate experts revised estimates of historical greenhouse gas emissions, made in September, both up and down on Monday but said the errors did not affect conclusions t

World Bank has released a new report -- On Thin Ice: How Cutting Pollution can Slow Warming and Save Lives.

* Pakistan at 135th position in carbon dioxide emissions, but ranked 3rd on the list of most vulnerable countries

* Annual cost of restoring environment is now up to $5.2

Glaciers in Pakistan are continuously melting because of rising temperature, and by the year 2035, the country will no longer have water reserves in the shape of glaciers.

LONDON: Holy smoke arising from Hindu funeral pyres, Muslim cemeteries and Buddhist temples are responsible for almost a quarter of the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming on the Indian subc

The high cliffs of Eastern Siberia, have been eroding at a relatively fast pace which researchers are attributing to rising summer temperatures in the Russian permafrost regions as well as the retr

A new report conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter offers insight into why Northwest Europe experienced extraordinarily wet summers between 2007 and 2012, stating that melting sea ic

Holy smoke arising from Hindu funeral pyres, Muslim cemeteries and Buddhist temples are responsible for almost a quarter of the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming on the Indian subcontinent

Bhutan will have a fully documented realigned national action plan (NAP) to combat land degradation by January next year, which would then be endorsed by the government and submitted to the United Nations convention to combat desertification (UNCCD). Read more in this October 2013 edition of the Monthly Bhutan State of the Environment Report published by the South Asia Environment Portal. Read and Share.
