This report is about sustainable land management, the development of water buffers and the business case underneath it. It is part of the discussion on the green economy: investment in natural resource management makes business sense. This also applies for investment in land, water and vegetative cover.

Just mention the large brown-and-white bird and the residents of Mardi village in Solapur burst out in anger. The district in Maharashtra is one of the few refuges for the rare Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps), endemic to the grasslands of India and Pakistan. Of the 30-35 birds remaining in Maharashtra, Solapur’s grasslands support the largest population—25. But residents are not keen to protect the bird, called maldhok locally, because they perceive the Great Indian Bustard sanctuary as the stumbling block to the region’s development.

Birth of a Greater One-horned Rhino calf seen as proof of continuing success of reintroduction plan
The birth of a Greater One-horned Rhinoceros calf about 10 days ago at the Dudhwa National Park in Uttar Pradesh is being seen as proof of the continuing success of a programme that began in 1984 to reintroduce the species in the habitat.

Starting with a population of seven under the plan, the 2

Restoration of species-rich grasslands on ex-arable land can help the conservation of biodiversity but faces three big challenges: absence of target plant propagules, high residual soil fertility and restoration of soil communities. Seed additions and top soil removal can solve some of these constraints, but restoring beneficial biotic soil conditions remains a challenge.

This new report released by the Ministry of Environment and Forests provides a holistic overview capturing comprehensively India's policies and programme related to desertification, land degradation & drought.

Jorhat, The increasing number of wild buffaloes in Kaziranga National Park has given rise to the problem of serious food and territory crisis among the herbivorous animals living in the sanctuary. The buffalo population has dangerously overshadowed the population of the carnivorous animals.

Agartala, Concerned over the frequent influx of wild elephants in the human habitats in search of food, Forest Department in Tripura has started work to establish two elephant reserves in the state.

Counting the cost of decades of breakneck development, Chinese scientists and policy-makers outlined the daunting challenges they face in trying to halt the country's environmental degradation.

The study reports the impact of migratory livestock in the buffer area of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary. The cumulative impacts of livestock grazing, fuel wood extraction and other anthropogenic pressures on forest cover in and around camping sites have been analyzed using satellite data and field observations.

The World Bank Institute and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility have released a manual for assessing the true costs of REDD+ action aimed at saving and restoring forests.
