Crippled by problems of encroaching and poachers, the Sonai-Rupai animal sanctuary in the remote Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border has carved out a success story for itself with sound wildlife management.

Restoring lost and damaged ecosystems-from forests and freshwaters to mangroves and wetlands-can trigger multi-million dollar returns, generate jobs and combat poverty according to this new UNEP. It draws on thousands of ecosystem restoration projects world-wide and showcases over 30 initiatives that are transforming the lives of communities and countries across the globe.

The daily net ecosystem CO2 exchange, diurnal pattern of net CO2 exchange and ecosystem respiration of Cenchrus ciliaris grassland in semi-arid region were studied during July 2008

Summer fires in the wooded areas and grasslands of Himachal Pradesh are nothing new, but long dry spells often turn the hills into a tinderbox. This year priceless forest wealth has been destroyed in more than 400 fire incidents in April alone.

Environmentalists from the district have said that Western Ghat Task Force President Ananth Hegde Ashisara should collect more lucid details on the plains, kavals and scrub jungle and then make statements.

Levels of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide have increased since pre-industrial times, mainly because of agricultural activities. Among these changes it has been reported that livestock grazing substantially increases nitrous oxide emissions from temperate grasslands.

Most emissions of nitrous oxide from semi-arid, temperate grasslands
usually occur during the spring thaw. The effects that grazing has on plant
litter and snow cover dramatically reduce these seasonal emissions.

Forty-seven patches of termite mounds were sampled in Kakamega forest grasslands with a view to assessing forest succession, forest species diversity, tree species-area relationships and species associations of forest and grassland tree species. These grasslands have been subjected to

One surviving stronghold of endangered Northern swamp deer is Jhadi taal (lake) in Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary on the floodplains of Sharda River. Changes in channel characteristics and land use/cover in a

In this 2010 State of the Birds report, consider one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time, climate change. How will the impacts of climate change influence our bird populations and their habitats?
