This 4th COVID Bulletin provides a snapshot of the pandemic’s impact on the economy and food security in Indonesia including update on government social protection support for vulnerable groups to reduce impact of the crisis; update on macroeconomic indicators in the third and early fourth quarter of 2020; overview of recent trends in food secur

This report proposes a new independent regulatory body for Indonesia’s electricity sector, in particular for investment planning, procurement, tariff setting, and electrification.A situational analysis and review of stakeholder opinions strongly indicates that the current decision-making structures in the electricity sector of Indonesia are inad

This paper explicitly posits social and environmental justice as an integral part of transformation and transformative adaptation, and synthesizes the findings from case study research that was undertaken on adaptation in the context of informal settlements and urban development in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam and Jakarta, Indonesia.

In this review aim to assess how, and to what extent, the National Action Plan for Food and Nutrition 2017-2019 of Indonesia, henceforth known as the “Action Plan,” has considered social inclusion. While social inclusion can consist of many categories, for the purpose of this review, focused on gender, poverty and disability.

Effective and progressive civil society movements are critical for tackling poverty and protecting the environment in low-income countries. Strengthening the capacity of citizens and advocacy organisations can therefore be a meaningful contribution to local, national and international efforts to shape development sector policy.

Sulawesi is an important island for primates. All 17 species that are found there are endemics. The island also includes contact zones between species of macaques (genus Macaca) where hybrids may arise. Sulawesi continues to be deforested, especially in the lowlands most suitable for estate crops and other agricultural products.

Transitioning the energy sector to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the objectives of the Paris Agreement presents a complex and difficult task for policymakers.

This brief discusses legislative developments during COVID-19 in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines that undermine sustainable human-environment interactions and IPs’ and LCs’ broader enjoyment of their rights over their customary territories.

This SEI report discusses efforts to help Indigenous People adapt to climate change by combining their traditional ecological knowledge with scientific and technological sources of information about agriculture and climate change. It is based on a case study of climate field schools conducted in rural Bali.

This publication presents a case study in East Java, Indonesia, about ADB’s collaboration with local governments and other stakeholders in monitoring, implementing, raising awareness, and advocating for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs set global, big-picture targets that nations have committed to attaining.
