The government has identified and registered nine new indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry this year, taking the list of `desi' breeds in the country to 160, including 40 of cows and 13 of bu

Livestock development and climate change outcomes can support each other. More productive and e cient farm systems generally produce food at much lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product. However, many countries use simple (Tier 1) methods for estimating livestock emissions in their GHG inventories.

Drought 2015-16 has affected more than 330 million people in more than 2.5 lakh villages of 266 districts from 11 states. It has had a devastating impact on people’s lives as it affected water availability, agriculture, livelihoods, food production and food security, natural resources and also put a huge burden on exchequer.

LUDHIANA: Scientists at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (Gadvasu) have earned a competitive research project, "Towards climate resilient livestock production system in Punj

The threats of old are still the dominant drivers of current species loss, indicates an analysis of IUCN Red List data by Sean Maxwell and colleagues.

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Less than a month away from the kick-off the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, a team of scientists reports that three quarters of the world's threatened species are imperiled because peo

Southern Africa has been struggling with an intense drought that has expanded and strengthened since the earliest stages of the 2015/16 agricultural season, driven by one of the strongest El Niño events of the last 50 years.

Effects of climate change such as drought and flooding on agriculture, coupled with crop diseases, have continued to ravage crops in recent years, causing losses on farmers' investments.

The livestock sector is one of the major contributors in agriculture, by some estimates contributing up to 18% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

ENAIBOSHO, Kenya, July 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - On a cold afternoon, three women are gathering dry grass and feeding it into a hand-operated baling machine.
