THE prevalence of undernourishment in Namibia was last measured at 37% in 2016, while 24% of children under the age of five are stunted.

The 2017 Africa regional report on Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) assesses the continent’s performance in domesticating and implementing the two development frameworks since their adoption in 2013 and 2015, respectively.

In another five years, the number of obese children in the world will outnumber the malnourished ones.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in its recent guidelines to tackle the global epidemic obesity categorically recommended "not to provide formulated supplementary foods on a routine basis to chi

More than three million people are staring at starvation as drought worsens in most parts of Northern Kenya, according to the World Food Programme

Global hunger has fallen more than a quarter since 2000, but conflict and climate shocks are beginning to reverse these gains, an annual global hunger index said Thursday.

Whether in leafy suburbs or overcrowded shacklands‚ urban children in SA still have a huge advantage over their rural counterparts.

The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows long-term progress in reducing hunger in the world. The advances have been uneven, however, with millions of people still experiencing chronic hunger and many places suffering acute food crises and even famine.

The total number of persons that suffer from hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean has increased, reversing decades of progress, even as overweight and obesity emerged as a major problem in all countries in the region of the Americas, according to the Panorama of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017, published

Underweight, overweight, and obesity in childhood and adolescence are associated with adverse health consequences throughout the life-course. Our aim was to estimate worldwide trends in mean body-mass index (BMI) and a comprehensive set of BMI categories that cover underweight to obesity in children and adolescents, and to compare trends with those of adults.

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