Climate change will influence patterns of migration and human settlements

Some farmers are considering migrating to other places in search of livelihood owing to the drought in Bidar district, J. Jayaram, chief executive officer of Prawarda, a non-governmental organisation here, has said.

A "destructive" flood in Bangladesh could result in an influx of refugees streaming into India, triggering religious conflict, spread of contagious diseases and vast damage to infrastructure, an exercise conducted by a Premier US defence university has forecast.

New York: Environmental changes will pose profound strategic challenges to Washington in the coming decades, said a study by the Pentagon and intelligence agencies on the effect of global climate change and its impact on US military.

Desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) in addition to the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems, the disappearance of animals and plants from many habitats, the climate change resulting in melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and increase of extreme events have negative impact on the availability, quantity and quality of water resources resulting in changed conditions for humanity

Urbanisation in India is both a necessary input and an inevitable consequence of growth. However, we must accept that the existing urbanisation models are unsustainable at the Indian scale and there is no available alternative trajectory.

The Ministry of Rural Development in association with states/UTs conducts the BPL Census generally in the beginning of a Five Year Plan. The objective of the BPL Census is to identify the rural households living Below the Poverty Line who could be provided assistance under various programmes of the Ministry.

Environmentalists and civil society activists from Asia-Pacific and African countries vulnerable to global warming Wednesday urged the industrialised nations to act urgently for greenhouse gas emission cut from 1990 levels by at 95 per cent within 2050.

The coastal district of Balasore too has not been spared of the migration curse. If lack of job opportunities was the reason for the exodus in KBK region, floods and resultant poor agricultural activities are the reasons in this flood-prone district.

Sea levels rising between 3mm and 5mm a year; tidal surges will intensify say scientists a steady stream of people can be seen making their way to the main jetty in Chotomollakhali island in the Sunderbans these days. On an average, about 200 of them leave for the mainland each day with their belongings and livestock. The migration has increased threefold since Aila struck on May
