This paper provides a brief overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) submissions made by developing countries as of February 4 , 2010. Since February 1st submissions are added to the UNFCCC website every day and a number of Parties have

FAO has prepared an analysis of Agriculture and the UNFCCC process in 2010.

This paper reflects the state of the REDD negotiations at the end of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. The paper examines some of the main areas for moving ahead with REDD implementation, including principles and actions; measurement, reporting and verification (MRV); institutional arrangements; means of implementation and financing.

While only a limited number of Non-Annex I Parties have made submissions in response to the Copenhagen Accord, the proportion of these that included agriculture may be an indicator that agriculture is likely to become an important component of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in developing countries.

This recent paper discusses the importance of addressing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in developing countries and suggests that supported NAMAs provide an important opportunity to truly transform the transportation sector in many countries.

This guidance has been put together for the benefit of developing country Parties to consider ways in which mitigation actions in the transport sector. NAMAs play an important role in both the AWG-LCA and the Copenhagen Accord.

This paper reviews available scientific evidence for global warming, the working of the multilateral environmental agreement for tackling the climate change problem and menu of policy options available for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that India
