A campaign to plant more than two million fruit plants has been organized by the Trade, Consumer Affairs Minister Bandula Gunawardhana.

The fruit plants will be given free of charge to members of cooperatives and Sanasa members. These will be planted at an auspicious time on Sinhala and Hindu New Year day.

The 150th birth anniversary of one of the greatest physicists of India, Sir JC Bose was celebrated in 2008. His paper "On the similarity of effect of electric stimulus on inorganic and living substances" presented in 1900 in Paris, France remains a classic today. Bose's studies refelected Vedic thoughts.

The concept of food security has evolved during the last three decades to include not only food availability, but also economic access to food and the biological absorption of food in the body. The author discusses in this paper the challenge of achieving sustainable advances in farm productivity, leading to an "ever-green revolution" in the fields of farm families with small holdings.

Due to excessive extraction of medicinal plant species in high altitude areas, Uttarakhand has seen a serious depletion of its biological resources. The state government has introduced policies to promote the conservation of these species and encourage farmers to cultivate them and supplement their incomes.

The paper examines the impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the Indian seed industry. The data used in the study have been taken from the reputed published sources. The study brought out that as long as Indian farmer continues to be a grain producer and does not convert himself into a 'commercial seed seller' of the protected variety, he would be unaffected by the Plant Breeder's Rights.

Rajendra Uprety, an agriculture extension officer in Nepal, came across an article in LEISA Magazine on SRI, the System of Rice Intensification. It was new to him and made him curious. He contacted the author for more information, and then decided to try it out. The results were amazing.

Farmers in the Yoro and Otoro regions of Honduras have organised themselves into agricultural research teams to improve the diversity and resilience of their farms. Supported by local and international organisations, these farmers have diversified their plant genetic resources and developed hardier varieties that grow well on their soils.

Richard Richards, a geneticist at CSIRO Plant Industry, is breeding
wheat varieties that can tough out prolonged droughts--and keep people

Should the regulations governing genetically modified crop strains be applied to other, more traditionally created, varieties too?

In the present study, red lateritic soil and farmyard manure were used in seven compositions for raising seedlings of Albizia amara. The emergence of seedlings increased with increasing the ratio of farmyard manure (67.7 to 89.3%) while pure farmyard manure lodged 71.4%.
