This Report of the Committee deals with the action taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the Twenty-Seventh Report (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) of the Standing Committee on Chemicals & Fertilizers (2008-09) on

This set of briefs considers how to increase the tools available to poor households to manage agricultural and health risks.
The focus is how to develop insurance markets, along with other financial instruments such as credit, savings, and social
protection policies. The series does not document the proven impact of insurance markets for the welfare of poor people;

A Summary for Decision Makers, the latest UNEP-SBCI report, highlights the potential of more efficient buildings in addressing climate change.

This study uses an evidence-based approach to provide insights
into developing and maintaining collaborative arrangements in the
forest sector. It aims to inform discussions and approaches to forest partnership and benefit-sharing arrangements. It also offers guidance on how to implement key factors that influence contract-based forest partnerships and benefit-sharing arrangements.

Mitigating and adapting to climate change increases the cost of development. Considerable resources are needed in addition to the present levels of official development assistance (ODA) to complement rather than undermine the efforts and progress towards the achievement of development objectives including Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Advances in biotechnology and associated areas have increased the value of biodiversity and related knowledge of indigenous communities and lent impetus to global bioprospecting activities. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) put in place a framework for regulation of such activities and replaced the existing regime of free access to bioresources with a framework where indigenous communities would be compensated for use of their knowledge, innovation and practices.

More than 5,000 women die every year in Gujarat due to pregnancy complications in remote and tribal areas. The state, which faces an acute shortage of qualified gynaecologists in public health facilities, devised the Chiranjeevi Yojana wherein women below poverty line can go to empanelled private nursing homes at the government

The weather has been in the news for all the wrong reasons across India this year. Typically, a 10 per cent shortage over 20 per cent of the country qualifies as a drought, according to the Indian Meteorological Department

This latest report by 2030 Water Resources Group, led by IFC & McKinsey warns that governments must address booming water demand or face grave human and environmental. Says that that in 20 years, water demand will be 40% higher than it is today, and more than 50% higher in the most rapidly developing countries.

This paper makes an attempt to enquire into the politics of state-business relations, how it has affected industrial development in general, and expansion of the manufacturing sector in the State of Andhra Pradesh (AP) in particular.
