This report contains separate assessments of climate policy in twelve of the major GHG emitting countries, covering government policy on mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, and land use policies. The assessments cover the policy developments between 1st November 2008 and 20thFebruary 2009.

The final agreement on the EU climate package retains the goal to reduce emissions by 20 per cent. Together with a 20-per-cent share of renewables and 20-per-cent energy savings, this creates the triple goal of 20-20-20 by 2020.

In this article Bj

In spite of the intention of governments to increase the use of renewable energy in electricity supply, particularly the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) for energy poverty reduction in rural and peri-urban areas of Africa, there is relatively little information on how solar PV electrification impacts on energy poverty reduction.

The base document prepared by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy aimed at developing a framework for undertaking programmatic CDM projects in the renewable energy sector. Comments and feedbacks on the report are accepted till March 24, 2009.

India should retool its economy to run on renewable energy, creating millions of jobs and raising the standard of living. The global economic downturn provides an excellent opportunity to improve India's energy supplies, which are critical to supporting better infrastructure and driving growth. India predicts it will need an extra 75,000 megawatts of electricity-generating capacity by 2012.

There have been certain recent, major legislative and governmental initiatives in India, aimed at reforming the energy sector, viz: 

The Energy Conservation Act, 2001

The Electricity Act 2003

The National Electricity Policy, 2005

This report by Greenpeace shows that 35% of the country's electricity demands can be met from renewable energy by 2030 and 50% of the projected energy requirements from smart and efficient production, distribution and use of energy.

Forget barrages, dams or tidal turbines

We discuss separate and integrated approaches to building scalable solar power plants and wildlife sanctuaries. Both solar power plants and wildlife sanctuaries need a lot of land. We quantify some of the requirements using various estimates of the rate of solar power production as well as the rate of adding wildlife to a sanctuary over the time range 2010-2050.
