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>> Bolivian President Evo Morales recently announced that credits from the International Monetary Fund would be refused if they were accompanied with stiff conditions.

>> 10 per cent of the Yellow River, China's second longest river, is made up of untreated sewage from factory discharges and urban centres, according to a recent report by Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, an NGO based in Beijing.

The Kathmandu reaches of the Bagmati River are widely characterised as severely degraded. This article explores the rhetorical life and death of the concept of a 'Bagmati civilisation': a particular configuration of history, cultural identity and river ecology espoused by a prominent Nepali river restorationist.

the Chhattisgarh government is dragging its feet on recommendations of the state Public Accounts Committee (pac) in the Sheonath river water supply deal in Chhattisgarh's Rajnandgaon district.

Low-elevation coastal zones (leczs) are areas at an elevation of 10 metres or less above sea level. Although leczs account for just 2 per cent of the world's total land area, they contain

Divers exploring a maze of submerged caves in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula have found what may be the world's longest underground river. According to British diver Stephen Bogaerts who made the

PacifiCorp Energy, a power company operating in northwest us, has criticised a recent government study that claimed it would be cheaper to remove barriers blocking the migration of endangered salmon

The relationship between climate change and cities is complex. City-based activities contribute significant amounts of greenhouse gases and, simultaneously, are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Dhaka is now the world's eighth largest city and a significant proportion of Bangladesh's greenhouse gases are generated there although, relative to total emissions worldwide, the contribution is negligible.

A fter 117 years, Australia entered a new era of water management with the federal government taking control of rivers from the states they run through. The federal authorities will spend us$10

Brazil's Catholic bishops have condemned the government for its failure to address deforestation in the Amazon. The government was "absent' in combating "predatory development' in the world's

>> Namibia's ministry of fisheries and marine resources has lifted a two-month fishing ban in the river Zambezi which was imposed in December 2006 because of bacterial contamination of the river's
