With one of every five persons suffering from hypertension in India, there is a dire need to change lifestyle and increase awareness to prevent the silent killer spread its tentacles.

Sets target of 30% reduction by 2025

Higher levels of sodium intake are reported to be associated with higher blood pressure. Whether this relationship varies according to levels of sodium or potassium intake and in different populations is unknown. The researchers studied 102,216 adults from 18 countries. Estimates of 24-hour sodium and potassium excretion were made from a single fasting morning urine specimen and were used as surrogates for intake. They assessed the relationship between electrolyte excretion and blood pressure, as measured with an automated device.

Removing salt from seawater might help slake some of northern China’s thirst, but it comes at a high price. Chinese officials are fond of grandiose engineering projects.

Salt marshes are highly productive coastal wetlands that provide important ecosystem services such as storm protection for coastal cities, nutrient removal and carbon sequestration. Despite protective measures, however, worldwide losses of these ecosystems have accelerated in recent decades. Here we present data from a nine-year whole-ecosystem nutrient-enrichment experiment. Our study demonstrates that nutrient enrichment, a global problem for coastal ecosystems, can be a driver of salt marsh loss.

Reducing salt intake has been proposed to prevent cardiovascular disease in India. We sought to determine whether salt reductions would be beneficial or feasible, given the worry that unrealistically large reductions would be required, worsening iodine deficiency and benefiting only urban subpopulations.

Data from different national and regional surveys show that hypertension is common in developing countries, particularly in urban areas, and that rates of awareness, treatment, and control are low. Several hypertension risk factors seem to be more common in developing countries than in developed regions. Findings from serial surveys show an increasing prevalence of hypertension in developing countries, possibly caused by urbanisation, ageing of population, changes to dietary habits, and social stress.

Desert sand, sea salt, volcanic ash and other forms of natural pollution are adding to rising levels of man-made dirt sullying the air and making it harder, especially for Mediterranean countries,

The introduction last month of double fortified salt (DFS)—containing an iron supplement in addition to the usual iodine—brings a new edge to the fight against malnutrition.

Bite into that burger, chug that cola, drizzle that honey at your own risk.
