Soil moisture is an important component of the hydrological

In drought conditions, forest soils can serve as a small but surprisingly persistent sink for the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. The effect highlights a research avenue necessary for predicting Earth

POLAND: An ancient technique of plowing charred plants into the ground to improve the quality of soil may also trap greenhouse gases for thousands of years and forestall global warming, which is being caused by the emission of harmful green house gases, a team of scientists and experts working on this project, said on Friday.

Performance of five year old coppice plants of Dalbergia sissoo was evaluated for biomass production on a sub-standard soil site. The study reveals potential of short rotation coppice system in D. sissoo for obtaining biomass energy and minor timber on sub-standard soil sites.

Regeneration status of a forest indicates its health and a healthy forest ensures good future generations. Sal species which regulates its environment and forms pure stands in Doon Valley.

This submission highlights ways in which the potential of agricultural mitigation in general, and from smallholder agriculture in particular, may be realized under a future global climate change agreement.

Soil fauna is perhaps the least known frontier of biological diversity. The present study was carried out to observe the changes in the soil faunal diversity subsequent to slash and burn agriculture or shifting cultivation locally called 'Jhumming; or 'Jhum'.

A field experiment was conducted in Allahabad District of Uttar Pradesh to test the possibility of utilizing fly ash, in afforestation of sodic soil with Albizia procera, as a substitute of fertilizers and amendments. Fly ash proved to be a good substitute of rice husk, was superior. Similarly the treatments where fertilizer was replaced with fly ash have also shown better performance of plant.

Sikkim is facing great challenge to protect the natural resource from land degradation and erosion. The whole state of Sikkim is hilly and cris-crossed by number of streams. Soil erosion is one of the major problems. The hills of Sikkim mainly consist of gneissose and half-schistose rocks, making their soil brown clay, and generally poor and shallow.

The European Commission (EC) has released a report that underlines the role that soils can play in mitigating climate change.
