Alkali lands in India occupy about 3.8 m ha. Due to poor physical properties, excessive exchangeable sodium and high pH, most of these lands support a poor vegetative cover. These lands are reclaimed using costly amendments such as gypsum, phospho-gypsum or press mud. In recent times many of the medicinal plants are in great demand for both internal requirements and export. However, as these crops are non conventional in nature, farmers are not convinced to cultivate them on fertile lands.

Rapid and reliable assessment of soil characteristics is an important step in agricultural and natural resource management. Over the last few decades, diffuse reflectance

Vietnamese communities in the Mekong Delta are faced with the substantial impacts of rising sea levels and salinity intrusion. The construction of embankments and dykes has historically been the principal strategy of the Vietnamese government to mitigate the effects of salinity intrusion on agricultural production. A predicted sea-level rise of 30 cm by the year 2050 is expected to accelerate salinity intrusion.

Rice is sensitive to salt stress, especially at the seedling stage, with rice varieties differing remarkably in salt tolerance (ST). To understand the physiological mechanisms of ST, we investigated salt stress responses at the metabolite level.

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Hexaploid bread wheat is generally more salt tolerant than its tetraploid progenitor. However, the physiological bases and the relative contributions of immediate effects of polyploidization and subsequently acquired adaptive changes in the salt tolerance of hexaploid wheat remained elusive. This study compared a large suite of morphophysiological traits in synthetic and natural hexaploid wheats, and their tetraploid and diploid progenitors, under normal and salt-stressed conditions, and studied subgenome-specific expression of a critical salt-tolerance gene, HKT1;5.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on decline in agricultural land, 25/07/2014.

The expansion of coal mining in the Hunter Valley and the increase in the number, area and depth of surface mines has changed the landscape as well as the economic and social character of the

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter Gau Raxa Hitraxak Manch and Gauchar Paryavaran Pouchav Trust Rajula Vs Union of India & Others dated 22/08/2013 regarding granting Environmental Clearance (EC) to expansion of a
Port - M/s Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd. (R-3).

The amount of land needed to grow crops worldwide is at a peak and an area more than twice the size of France can return to nature by 2060 due to rising yields and slower population growth, a group

The rural populations of southern Bangladesh are some of the most vulnerable communities in the world to the future impacts of climate change. They are particularly at risk from floods, waterlogged soils, and increasing salinity of both land and water.
