The Bangladesh Agriculture Minister, Begum Matia Chowdhury, today expressed concern over the problem of soil salinity in coastal areas and called for intensifying research and development activitie

Constitution of committee for inspection of M/s Adani Port and SEZ Ltd, Mundra, Gujarat. The Ministry of Environment & Forests had granted Environment and CRZ clearance on 12.01.2009 to M/s Adani Port and SEZ Limited (formerly Mundra Port and SEZ Limited) for the development of port facilities at Mundra, District Kutch, Gujarat.

Salinity stress limits crop yield affecting plant growth and restricting the use of land. As world population is increasing at alarming rate, agricultural land is shrinking due to industrialization and/or habitat use. Hence, there is a need to utilize salt affected land to meet the food requirement. Although some success has been achieved through conventional breeding but its use is limited due to reproductive barrier and scarcity of genetic variations among major crops.

Waterlogging and secondary salinisation have become serious problems in canal irrigated areas of arid and semi-arid regions. This study examined hydrology and estimated the seasonal net groundwater recharge of an irrigated semi-arid region located in the Haryana State of India where about 500 000 ha area are waterlogged and unproductive, and the size of the waterlogged area is increasing, causing a threat to agricultural sustainability.

This new study of nine coastal cities around the world published in the latest edition of journal Natural Hazards, says that Kolkata is among the most flood vulnerable cities in world and could experience coastal flooding as the city is built on river delta.

CUTTACK: Assistant Director-General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Dr RP Dua on Tuesday stressed the need for provisioning quality seeds to the farmers for achieving the goals of

Despite being dotted with industries, Gujarat's rich coastline is plagued by voices of dissent. Coastal communities have of late realised that the fruits of industrialisation were either too sour, or not for them at all.

The growth and plant water relations of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. and E. camaldulensis Dehnh. in relation to soil salinity were studied by transplanting one and half month old seedlings in the pots filled with eight levels of artificially created soil salinity levels.

This study aims to investigate adaptation requirements and their cost implications in the context of coastal agriculture in Bangladesh.

In late 2010 a group of professionals published a report of surveys conducted in the Sundarbans following the destruction caused by cyclone Aila in May 2009. This report shows how little we care to know about the people living in the delta. While the state government attempts to include it among the wonders of the world, the people living here are impoverished and vulnerable. The Sundarbans is a disasterprone region, but the government is yet to come up with a disaster management policy.
