Least developed countries (LDCs), the worst victims of global warming, are far from raising effective voice thus failing to reap expected success from the ongoing negotiations of climate change due to fragile diplomacy, experts opined.

Adapting to the effects of climate change such as floods and droughts will probably cost many times more than the United Nations estimates, a report said on Thursday ahead of a major U.N. summit in December.

Several recent studies have reported adaptation costs for climate change, including for developing countries. They have similar-sized estimates and have been influential in discussions on this issue.

However, the studies have a number of deficiencies which need to be transparent and addressed more systematically in the future. A re-assessment of the UNFCCC estimates for 2030 suggests


The role of developing countries in meeting the challenge of climate change has been in the news in recent weeks, particularly in the wake of Hillary Clinton's visit to India. India's position on the issue has been consistent with the principle of "common but differentiated responsibility", which is part of the un Framework Convention on Climate Change (unfccc).

Pakistan has good potential for developing Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects through greenhouse gas emission reduction, however, this potential has not been fully exploited as yet.

This was stated by federal environment secretary Kamran Lashari while speaking at a workshop on

Surrender or success?
Kirit S Parikh / August 14, 2009, 0:40 IST

Companies Sitting On 1 Million Tonne Carbon Credits As Prices Plunge By 45%
Sushmi Dey NEW DELHI

In the run-up to the United Nations conference on climate change, scheduled to be held in Copenhagen, in December 2009 there is a great deal of discussion and speculation about what legal agreement should emerge from that conference.

Attention on the subject of climate change appears to wax and wane in this country, having reached a peak in 2007 when the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out providing strong evidence of human influence on the earth
