Climate negotiations can succeed only if developed countries stop weaseling out of their historical culpability
Nitin Desai / New Delhi June 18, 2009, 0:28 IST

The climate change talks made no progress at Bonn
Business Standard / New Delhi June 16, 2009, 0:20 IST


Dera Mandi forest is all set to earn carbon credits for Delhi Government which plans to develop 727 hectares into a zone that will help mitigate the growth in concentration of greenhouse gases.

It seems unlikely that an agreement on the terms of the next climate treaty could be reached at the December-scheduled Copenhagen talks.

Neha Lalchandani | TNN

Bonn: The Bonn climate change talks are drawing to a close but the real action is yet to begin. Countries are still squabbling over squaring up the bill for climate change mitigation, with insufficient funds and no consensus on where the big bucks will come from. The road from Bonn to Copenhagen where a new protocol is expected at the end of the year looks very long.

Climate Change, without doubt will be the biggest challenge to everyone. Though a developing country Sri Lanka has historically contributed less to the causes of climate change than the developed countries, who face some of the more severe consequences if action is not taken nationally to mitigate and adapt.

Boosting investments in the conservation, rehabilitation and management of the earth's forests, peat lands, soils and other key ecosystems could deliver significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and avoid even more being released to the atmosphere, said a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Bangladesh has called upon the global community to support climate change strategies and adapt action plans of the least developed countries (LDCs) for facing the ever increasing adverse impacts of global warming and sea-rise.

New Delhi: Taking a privately expressed grouse to the formal level, the Indian climate team on Tuesday officially complained on the first day of the negotiations at Bonn that the negotiating text included elements that would alter the character and content of the international compact
