The issues of ozone depletion and climate change have been at the forefront of the international community

The international negotiations on climate change are on and all Parties of UNFCCC are working to reach an agreed outcome at Copenhagen in December 2009. This latest publication encapsulates the major submissions made by India to the UNFCCC during 2008 and 2009. Of particular note are India

This report takes another look at the costs of adapting to climate change. The estimates for 2030 used by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are likely to be substantial under-estimates. This report look at the estimates from a range

This report takes another look at the costs of adapting to climate change. The estimates for 2030 used by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are likely to be substantial under-estimates. This report look at the estimates from a range

Environmentalists and civil society activists from Asia-Pacific and African countries vulnerable to global warming Wednesday urged the industrialised nations to act urgently for greenhouse gas emission cut from 1990 levels by at 95 per cent within 2050.

Bhutan and India discussed the possibility of developing crops resistant to climate change, to keep agriculture apace with warmer global conditions.

New Delhi: After the opposition parties mounted pressure on the government on agreeing to targeted reduction in carbon emission during the recent G-8 meet and also during recent visit of US secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday reiterated that India would not take any binding emission reduction target which would undermine

Rajiv Tikoo

This article looks at the issue of climate change from a developing country perspective and develops an outline of a win-win-oriented climate policy around development priorities. It demonstrates how the great climate debate between the

The G8 or the world's most wealthy and developed countries have remained non-committal on setting targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a demand being stressed by the emerging economies (G5) and other developing countries.
