UNFCCC warns of delays the latest round of consultations on climate change held in the German city Bonn between August 10 and 14 ended in disappointment. The 199-page negotiating text with more than 2,500 brackets was the only highlight of the meet. The lack of progress has raised concerns that finalizing a comprehensive deal in Copenhagen in December to replace the Kyoto Protocol,

The United Nations should set up a war chest to help process the billions of dollars poor countries will be paid to slash their greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union has proposed.

Saubhadro Chatterji & Sreelatha Menon / New Delhi September 8, 2009, 1:07 IST

Pranab MukherjeeThe issue of hiking contribution in the United Nations

Ignores Submissions, Wants New Delhi To Impose Carbon Taxation

Climate change threatens to bring food and water shortages to 1.6 billion people in South Asia, with the region's poorest likely to be worst hit, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said here Wednesday. New research commissioned by the ADB shows that if current climate trends persist until 2050, maize yields in South Asia will fall by 17 percent, wheat by 12 percent and rice by 10 percent.

The estimates for additional investments needed in developing countries to tackle the mitigation challenge are far beyond the currently available resources.

An August negotiating session on the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention in Bonn ignited some interesting, albeit expected, sparks around the subject of intellectual property rights.

Using examples of work taking place throughout the developing world, the report argues for a stronger role for civil society and community organisations in the global response to climate chaos, and the need for rich countries to foot the bill via a new funding body.

The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a fact sheet titled

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has described the notion of
