Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/01/2017. One of the issues raised in the Order deals with high sulphur content in pet coke and furnace oil and their utilization in industries in the NCR thereby causing immense air pollution. Solicitor General informed the Court that action has been taken in this regard and necessary discussions with the stakeholders will take place based on the response received from various institutions, such as CSIR, TERI, NPL, CPCB and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

Damning information obtained by Greenpeace India through online reports and Right to Information applications from State Pollution Control Boards across India, shows that none of the Indian cities comply with standards prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and very few cities in southern India comply to Central Pollution Control Boar

A revised Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model with updated secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields and a more detailed description of SOA formation from isoprene oxidation was applied to study the spatial and temporal distribution of SOA in China in the entire year of 2013. Predicted organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon and volatile organic compounds agreed favorably with observations at several urban areas, although the high OC concentrations in wintertime in Beijing were under-predicted.

Diwali is one of the major and most important festivals celebrated all over India which falls in the period late October to early November every year. It is associated with burning of firecrackers especially during the night of Diwali day that leads to degradation of air quality that lasts for a longer duration of time. Firecrackers on burning releases huge amount of trace gases such as NOx, CO, SO2 and O3 and huge amount of aerosols and particulate matter.

Recent cohort studies have used exposure prediction models to estimate the association between long-term residential concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and health. Because these prediction models rely on PM2.5 monitoring data, predictions for times before extensive spatial monitoring present a challenge to understanding long-term exposure effects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Reference Method (FRM) network for PM2.5 was established in 1999.

A Guide to the Methodology of Estimating Transport Emissions Inventories and the Associated Social Cost. The Transport Emissions & Social Cost Assessment is a project under the World Resources Institute’s Sustainable and Livable Cities Program, funded by the Caterpillar Foundation.

Reliable and adequate access to real time air quality data is important to enable action to curb air pollution and build the case for improving air quality of India cities.The advent of affordable and easy to deploy air quality monitors presents an opportunity to address this important data gap.The report evaluates the current status of air qual

Indian cities need to follow well planned air quality management strategies to meet clean air targets.The Centre for Science and Environment developed a dynamic tool to assess the adequacy of air quality management strategies in Indian cities based on some simple but comprehensive set of indicators.The tool is intended to be used by regulators a

An analysis of the factors which led to Delhi experiencing one of its worst smog episodes in recent years in November of 2016 has been documented in this report. The report suggests source wise action status and a detailed plan of action for Delhi to combat the worsening air quality in the city.

India has set ambient air quality standards for several pollutants. According to the rules of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the annex monitoring agency, the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) should be met for at least 98 per cent of the days in a year.
