Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conversion of City Waste into Compost Manure, 26/04/2016. The Government of India has approved a policy on promotion of City Compost. The salient features of the policy are at Annexure.
Demographic change in Asia and the Pacific is happening at a rate the world has never seen. An explosion in the working age population and a fall in birth rates that took a century in Europe are happening here in just 30 years.
With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now agreed, the real test of their success lies in their implementation. Over half the world's population now live in cities and by 2050 this will rise to two-thirds. Most of this growth will take place in developing countries due to rising migration from rural areas.
The report highlights the reforms required at state and local levels to implement smart cities in India. It recommends institutional, business-environment and sector-specific reforms to enhance public-private collaboration in India’s urban development programmes such as 100 smart cities and 500 AMRUT cities.
The World Economic Forum has released a new report, Inspiring Future Cities & Urban Services. The report highlights the emerging technologies and business models that are changing the way urban services are delivered and proposes a 10-step action plan to enable cities to navigate the journey of urban transformation.
Over the past two centuries, effective building and land use regulation have dramatically reduced incidences of urban conflagration and epidemic disease. In the developed world, such regulation has resulted in successful risk reduction and hazard response adaptation.
Megatrends that are influencing the future of the Asia-Pacific region, such as urbanization, economic and trade integration, rising incomes and changing patterns of production and consumption, must
This working paper explores the current development pattern of Senegal from geographical and economic perspectives, and its impact on climate vulnerability.