Kolkata: The city is losing its waterbodies faster than any other metro in India, revealed a study by a green NGO, which also warned that if ponds and lakes are filled up at the current rate, all t

The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) jointly with the Freshwater Action Network, South Asia (FANSA) have collaborated to bring out this research report. It highlights the need for policy focus on smaller city sanitation and discusses why faecal waste management requires immediate attention in the region.

DEHRADUN: It was hard work acknowledged for Preeti Handa Kakkar, a Doon professor who recently bagged the "Young scientist award" for her work presented on how fish health and aquatic life is distu

Paralleling the increasing disparities in income and wealth worldwide since the 1980s, cities in developing countries have witnessed the emergence of a growing divergence of lifestyles, particularly within the middle classes, reinforced by the widening gap between the quality of public and private educational and health care institutions, spatia

This paper examines the linkages between decentralisation and urban climate governance through a literature review, supported by two city case studies: Saint-Louis in Senegal and Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso.

As per Central Ground Water Board and Central Water Commission investigation, the major rivers of Arunachal Pradesh are free from pollution and also the ground water is of excellent quality with al

Mothers-to-be, take note! Exposure to high levels of small particle air pollution is associated with an increased risk of premature birth, a new study has found.

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for a Policy on Promotion of City Compost. Under the policy, a provision has been made for Market development assistance of Rs. 1500 per tonne of city compost for scaling up production and consumption of the product.

This report is about water, the forgotten child of the climate change negotiations. The analysis reported here suggests that changes to water resources due to climate change will be strikingly uneven and unfair across the globe. They will jeopardize growth prospects in the regions worst affected and in some of the poorest countries.

This paper provides an overview of the available evidence on the link between the effectiveness of transport systems and economic, social and environmental performance.
