Question raised in Lok Sabha on Capacity of Sewage Treatment Plants, 08/12/2015. As per the report of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) published in March 2015, sewage generation from urban areas is estimated at around 62,000 mld, whereas the total treatment capacity available is only 23,277 mld (37% of the sewage generation).

KOLHAPUR: The deluge in Chennai is an eye opener for many cities across the country.

The first annual publication by the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance which identifies the gap between the current levels of investment in low-emission, climate resilient urban infrastructure and the volumes required to ensure a the world is on track to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees.

Even as the world discusses climate change in Paris, Chennai is perhaps experiencing its impact – the unprecedented deluge that the city has been subjected to is a reminder of increasing frequency of such freak weather events across the Indian sub-continent. However, point out experts in Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Chennai could have fared better if it had protected and preserved its natural water bodies and drainage channels

As an inescapable concomitant with the traditional route of economic development, Pakistan has been facing natural resource degradation and pollution problems. The unsavory spectacle of air pollution, water contamination and other macro environmental impacts such as water logging, land degradation and desertification, are on rise. All this, in conjunction with rapid growth in population, have been instrumental to the expanding tentacles of poverty.

This book provides ideas and methodologies for fostering and developing partnerships for climate compatible development that truly acknowledge the concerns and needs of local communities, especially those communities that host the urban poor and the most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

This paper outlines the impacts of climate change which are currently being experienced as evidenced by the IPCC and identifies the current and future implications for older people, including an assessment of how livelihoods, healthcare, nutrition and energy are particularly affected by our changing climate.

A competitive city is a city that successfully facilitates its firms and industries to create jobs, raise productivity, and increase the incomes of citizens over time. Worldwide, improving the competitiveness of cities is a pathway to eliminating extreme poverty and to promoting shared prosperity.

This publication gives an overview of “Strengthened Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia and the Caucasus through greater fostering of the Hyogo Framework for Action priorities” activities in eight project cities of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University has launched its annual flagship research report State of Cities (SoC) 2015 titled ‘Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City--Towards Decentralised Governance’. The study has captured constraints in addressing the city's solid waste problem.
