THIS REMARKABLE book transcends the crucial limitations of both Marxist social theory and conventional anthropology by consciously avoiding "economism" and "culturism". While recognising "the

Converted World War II vintage jeeps, called jeepneys in the Philippines, are the most popular mode of public transport in Manila. They are cheaper than private buses and more efficient than the city's rail shuttle.

IF LIVING proof is needed of how institutions created by human beings for their welfare really work, one has only to go to Bhopal, where thousands succumbed in a deadly MIC gas leak on the night of

LARGE-SCALE manufacture, transportation and application of chemical fertilisers are energy-intensive processes, which is why the hike in oil prices has made them more expensive. Moreover, the vast

Social radical that he was, Phule's memory lives on, despite accusations that he was pro British and casteist. But most of his followers are unable to see his philosophy in its entirety.

NATURE Scope-India, one of the first publications of its kind in the country, is being brought out on the lines of the Washington-based National Wildlife Federation's NatureScope. The first issue

Chakriya Vikas Pranali, a rural organisation, has a unique approach to ecological regeneration based on informed agricultural practices. This approach, introduced in more than 30 villages in south Bihar, requires sharing the produce between the landowner,

Accurate tiger census methodology assumes significance in the context of the recent controversy over the declining number of tigers in the Indian sub continent. And counting pugs is the easiest and cheapest method of tiger census.

Darshan S Brar, who has been working for years on rice hybrids at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, talks about gene transfer techniques that develop resistance to insects in plants.

THIS BOOK is a misnomer for "heritage" connotes something far removed from the present. Kautilya's work, for example, might be described as India's heritage. The book, however, presents 10
