The information and communication technology (ICT) sector in the last twenty years or so in India has revolutionized life of one and all, ratcheting a viral effect on electronic manufacturing industries leading to phenomenal growth in terms of both, volume and applications. Digital development has become the new mantra having its all engulfing footprints every where. The report focuses only on the policies and practices of electronic brands on the Indian market.

This paper presents the background and policy issues surrounding development of a commercial market for captured carbon dioxide, and seeks to foster among policymakers a deeper understanding of : both the generation and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies involved, as well as their costs; the technical and regulatory barriers to deployment of those technologies, and the opportunities CCS

This paper focuses on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. It also addresses the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

The Eleventh Five Year Plan has set an ambitious target of increasing total investment in infrastructure from around 5% of GDP in the base year of the Plan 2006-07 to 9% by the terminal year 2011-2012.

This study includes a socio-economic profile of the Paharia community of Nuapada district and the adjoining areas of Orissa with an analysis of their human, financial, social, physical and natural capitalbase and specific vulnerabilities. A sample of 24 out of a total 79 Paharia villages in Nuapada district was

This paper discusses the probable impacts for children of different ages from the increasing risk of storms, flooding, landslides, heat waves, drought and water supply constraints that climate change is likely to bring to most urban centres in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It also explores the implications for adaptation, focusing on preparedness as well as responses to extreme events and to changes in weather patterns.

The world has been experiencing a dramatic surge in the price of many staple foods since 2005. The prices of cereals and oil have almost doubled in just one year. Soaring food prices and market instability have led to a threat to food security. This is particularly true for the population of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region.

What are the impacts of the increasing spread of biofuels on access to land in producer countries, particularly for poorer rural people? Biofuels could revitalise rural agriculture
and livelihoods

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) aims at a cost-effective reduction of GHG emissions and technology and capital transfer from industrialised to developing countries. The CDM has seen a true gold rush period, with thousands of projects being developed in a few years. More and more governments and companies bet on the CDM to fill their compliance gaps. This report contains the main results and conclusions of the project Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects implemented by Climate Strategies.

This paper aims at discussing some of the important issues relating to sustainable urban form that would lead to sustainable urban development with possible references to India. The paper is based on available literature and secondary data. The paper is divided in two parts. The first part deals with the concept of sustainable development and its implications for urban areas.
