Equity and ambition are two issues at the core of the climate negotiations, and they are inextricably linked. Ambition, in the sense of ensuring sufficient mitigation efforts to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system, is a necessary condition to avoid highly inequitable outcomes.

Agricultural activities in the developing world directly contribute about 4.23 GtCO2eq/y to the current anthropogenic forcing of the global climate, and indirectly a further approximately 3.93GtCO2eq/y through forest clearing and degradation. Together they constitute a quarter of the total global climate forcing from all sources.

This report proposes a gender strategy for climate change mitigation and the promotion of low emissions agriculture— the focus of CCAFS Theme 3: Pro-Poor Climate Change Mitigation.

This study looks at different ways to improve adaptation and mitigation synergies in climate change financing. It reviews existing definitions of synergies and identifies various types of synergies that have been recognized to date.

This report presents information on past and projected climate change and related impacts in Europe, based on a range of indicators.

This European Environment Agency (EEA) report presents information on past and projected climate change and related impacts in Europe, based on a range of indicators. The report also assesses the vulnerability of society, human health and ecosystems in Europe and identifies those regions in Europe most at risk from climate change.

This paper analyses data from a household-level survey of 980 agricultural and fishing households in seven sites across southern Bangladesh. It examine the relationship between assets, livelihood strategies, food security and farming practice changes. These households are coping with huge demographic, economic, and environmental changes.

As developing countries prepare commitments to mitigation activities in agriculture, investments should be guided by a thorough understanding of the appropriate incentives to encourage farmers to innovate and adopt new mitigation practices.

The document attempts to distil what is currently known about the likely impacts of climate change on the commodities and natural resources that comprise the mandate of CGIAR and its 15 Centres.

Climate finance provides an opportunity to facilitate the adoption of agricultural practices that support climate mitigation and adaptation.
