Water crises, climate impacts and food crises are amongst the top ten global risks of highest concern in 2014 that can be addressed only by long-term thinking and collaboration among business, governments and civil society says this new World Economic Forum report. Read more...

This 2013 edition of the annual WHO report on malaria summarizes information received from malaria-endemic countries and updates the analyses presented in the 2012. It highlights the progress made towards global malaria targets set for 2015, and describes current challenges for global malaria control and elimination.

The transition to a new energy architecture means developing a long-term strategy which takes into account the trade-offs and complementarities surrounding the core imperatives of every energy system, managing risks to energy supplies while ensuring a country’s economic and environmental well-being says this first edition of the Energy Architecture Performance Index report by WEF.

WHO has released these new treatment guidelines for almost 20 million children under-five worldwide who have severe acute malnutrition. Read text of these guidelines.

The WHO has released a document on guidance to protect health from climate change through health adaptation planning to support the integration of health adaptation planning in national adaptation plans (NAPs).

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes – are the biggest cause of death worldwide. More than 36 million die annually from NCDs (63% of global deaths), including 14 million people who die too young before the age of 70.

The publication brings together carbon market professionals, policymakers, academics and NGOs to provide in-depth analysis and perspective on the main issues affecting carbon policy worldwide.

China, India and the Russian Federation have the highest burden of MDR-TB followed by 24 other countries says this 18th edition of the global report on tuberculosis released by WHO at Geneva.

The World Disasters Report 2013 examines the profound impact of technological innovations on humanitarian action, how humanitarians employ technology in new and creative ways, and what

The Global Gender Gap Report, introduced by the World Economic Forum in 2006, provides a framework for capturing the magnitude and scope of gender-based disparities around the world.
