The Rockefeller Foundation and partners in Indian launched an effort to address the twin challenges of energy deprivation and poverty. The result is SPEED, or Smart Power for Environmentally-sound Economic Development, which seeks to identify and showcase scalable business models and implementation plans for addressing energy access.

This new UNDP report highlights the development challenges faced by people who live in drylands and outlines how these challenges can be tackled successfully.

The MDG Report 2011, shining a spotlight on where progress is being made and where stronger efforts are urgently needed. The report presents the latest statistics on each of the Goals, globally and regionally, collected through more than 25 UN and international agencies. This year's report shows that the world is on track to reducing the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by half.

The financial resources involved in a shift to a low-emission climate-resilient economy are daunting but not impossible to achieve. The key challenge however of financing the transition towards a low-emission society is to redirect existing and planned capital flows from traditional high-carbon to low-emission and climate-resilient investments.

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) has not yet bounced back to pre-crisis levels, though some regions show better recovery than others. The reason is not financing constraints, but perceived risks and regulatory uncertainty in a fragile world economy.

This new report analyses the challenges and options involved in shifting to a “green economy” based on more efficient and renewable energy technologies, transforming agricultural technologies so as to guarantee food security without further degrading land and water resources, and utilizing technology to adapt to climate change.

This book addresses one of the most intractable problems in development – what can poor people in rural areas do to improve their lives? Most of the one billion people living in rich countries and about three-quarters of the 5.6 billion people living in developing countries have left poverty behind and are enjoying improving livelihoods.

The UNDP has launched a publication titled "Catalyzing Climate Finance – A Guidebook on Policy and Financing Options to Support Green, Low-emission, Climate-resilient Development," which aims to enable countries to better assess the level and nature of assistance they will require to catalyze climate capital based on their national, regional and local circumstances.

Modern irrigation is one of the success stories of the 20th century. As the world’s population doubled, irrigated farming expanded from 40 million ha to almost 300 million ha today – a seven-fold increase. This revolution in water technology increased food production through improved crop yields and enabled farmers to grow additional crops each year.

This guidebook builds on a large range of UNDP's ongoing initiatives to support adaptation to climate change. This series is intended to empower decision makers to take action, and to prepare their territories to adapt, and hopefully thrive, under changing climatic conditions.
