The Greenpeace India guide to GM-free food that gives consumers an insight into the positions of food brands, on the use of genetically modified ingredients. Has categorized 17 food companies in India into 'red list' & 'green list' based on their policy on the use of GM ingredients.

This report present scientific evidence linking synthetic fertiliser overuse and imbalanced use in Indian agriculture to the current system of government subsidies on fertilisers , showing how this system is leading to soil degradation and stagnant food production. Synthetic fertilisers cause also further damage in the environment.

The press release by Greenpeace on its protest against herbicide-resistant rice trial by Bayer Crop in the village of Chinnakanjarla, about 45 kilometers from Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. It warns that this would lead to serious contamination of non-GM rice grown in the vicinity.

This latest Greenpeace report says that climate change could bring about significant change to the intensity, geographic distribution and inter seasonal breaks in the Indian monsoon, which would have enormous social consequences.

This mission document is part of the eight mission documents under India

This report by Greenpeace shows that 35% of the country's electricity demands can be met from renewable energy by 2030 and 50% of the projected energy requirements from smart and efficient production, distribution and use of energy.

This paper discusses the decline in fish catch and the potential threat that this poses for the 4.5 lakh strong fisher population of Orissa . It also outlines the solution -- sustainable fisheries management -- which will safeguard the livelihoods of the traditional fishing population, while by default, reducing turtle mortalities significantly.

Food is one of the most important determinants of health, which is why the food must be nutritive and safe, the processes involving cultivation, storage conducted with safety as a priority and where equitable distribution is ensured. This report makes an effort to put forth the important health and safety concerns arising from genetic engineering in agriculture.

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector in the last twenty years or so in India has revolutionized life of one and all, ratcheting a viral effect on electronic manufacturing industries leading to phenomenal growth in terms of both, volume and applications. Digital development has become the new mantra having its all engulfing footprints every where. The report focuses only on the policies and practices of electronic brands on the Indian market.

This report warns that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to grow under the business-as-usual scenario as projected, leading to global temperature rise by 4-5
