The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation released the report titled “Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India’ based on the information collected under 73rd round of its survey conducted during July, 2015 to June, 2016 as a follow-up surve

This publication, 24th in the series is an annual publication of CSO and is a continued effort to provide a comprehensive picture of Energy Sector in India. Energy Statistics is an integrated and updated database of reserves, installed capacity, production, consumption, import, export and whole sale prices of different sources viz. coal, crude petroleum, natural gas and electricity. Energy Balance and Sankey Diagram (Energy flow diagram) further aims to enhance its utility.

The Compendium of Environment Statistics aims to serve as reference material for environment planners and policy makers as well as other Government and Non-Government organizations and research institutions to increase awareness and knowledge of the environmental situation of the country. The need for improvements in the field of data and statistics to monitor progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the associated need for statistical capacity building in developing countries have been highly recognized.

Inviting the comments/suggestions/modification on initial Draft National Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goals as prepared Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) based on the inputs received from Ministries/Departments.

The publication Youth in India attempts to identify the issues of importance for youth under the broad categories- Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility & contraception, Mortality & Neonatal Health care, Literacy & Employment and Crime.

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has been bringing out the publication “Women and Men in India” on a regular basis since 1995. The publication focuses on portraying gender inequality, gender bias and gender discrimination through crucial statistical indicators of socio-economic relevance. The Eighteenth Edition of the publication “Women and Men in India” provides sex-disaggregated data at State and Central level for various social indicators. The publication includes important indicators as derived from published official data of different Ministries/Department/Organisations.

The Sixth EC proposes to provide up to date information on number of establishments and number of persons employed therein, activity wise, of all the sectors (excluding crop production, plantation, public administration, defence and compulsory social security) of the country including their distribution at all-India, State, district, and at vill

This Compendium of Environment Statistics 2015 published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is the sixteenth edition of its series and covers five core parameters - biodiversity, atmosphere, land/soil, water and human settlements.

This publication, 4th in series, has been prepared with the objective of providing help to policy and programme making for elderly population.

The Statistical Year Book 2016 provides both time series and cross sectional data covering various sectors. It includes all India time series data for over a decade and State level time series data for recent years. Further, to contextualize the performance of various sectors in India, chapter wise commentary has been suitably modified to include global and domestic environment, Government policies and interventions that shape up various sectors, international comparisons, historical trends etc besides current performance.
