The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on May 4, 2021 has issued the Central Motor Vehicles (Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2021 to further amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

The varied agro-climatic conditions of the transboundary Kangchenjunga Landscape support rich agrobiodiversity. However, despite its tremendous social, economic, and ecological significance, agrobiodiversity has been declining in the landscape in recent years.

Malawi’s many smallholders rely heavily on rainfed, low-input subsistence farming to meet their food needs. Yet for most rural Malawian households, subsistence agriculture cannot consistently produce enough food to ward off hunger.

This analysis investigates the potential mechanism and the practical significance of the impacts of agricultural value chain development in a geographically challenging rural area of a developing country. Use data from a carefully designed primary survey administered in the hill and mountainous region in Western Nepal.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launches a new Water Report “Guidance on realizing real water savings with crop water productivity interventions”, that includes clear and practical guidelines on how to implement ‘real’ water savings in agriculture through interventions for enhancing crop water productivity.

This report discusses how Denmark - a country whose major agricultural organizations have committed to become carbon neutral by 2050 - can achieve carbon neutral agriculture. The report’s lessons can inform not only Denmark’s agricultural future, but also that of other advanced agricultural economies.

Recent growth accelerations in Africa are characterized by increasing productivity in agriculture, a declining share of the labor force employed in agriculture and declining productivity in modern sectors such as manufacturing.

Most rural households are currently experiencing increased food access alongside ongoing harvesting and the start of a new consumption year. Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food security outcomes are widespread across the country, with areas currently facing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes expected to transition to Minimal (IPC Phase 1) outcomes in May.

Modern economic policy making in Nigeria has placed enormous emphasis on diversification of the economy to non-oil productive sectors.

The African Development Bank, UN Food and Agriculture Organization and CGIAR’s Alliance of Biodiversity International Center and Big Data in Agriculture Platform created digital agriculture country profiles aimed at helping bolster agricultural transformation and accelerate economic growth.
