Southeast Asia is recognized as a region of very high biodiversity, much of which is currently at risk due to habitat loss and other threats. However, many aspects of this diversity, even for relatively well-known groups such as mammals, are poorly known, limiting ability to develop conservation plans.

KOLKATA: Within a year of launch of the

This recent ADB paper estimates the need for infrastructure investment, including energy, transport, telecommunications, water, and sanitation during 2010-2020, in order to meet growing demands for services and facilitate further rapid growth in the region. It shows that developing countries in Asia require financing of US$776 billion per year for national (US$747 billion) and regional (US$29 billion) infrastructure during 2010-2020 to meet growing demand.

Road traffic injuries and fatalities are major social, economic, health and development problem. Therefore, there is a continuing need to place road safety high on global, regional and national agenda and enhance coordination at global, regional and national level while planning and implementing measures for improving road safety.

The main objective of this report is to strengthen understanding of climate-related risks and impacts in coastal megacities in developing countries using case studies of three cities that are different in their climate, hydrological, and socioeconomic characteristics.

This feasibility study concludes that time is limited in terms of coping
with dramatic challenges to livelihoods in the region. A cross-boundary collaborative programme needs to prioritise and focus on adaptation already by 2011

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has released a report, with the Asia Society, by a high-level Task Force on Food Security and Sustainability in Asia titled "Never an Empty Bowl: Sustaining Food Security in Asia." The report presents steps that governments, businesses, NGOs and regional and international organizations can take, highlighting the potential for public-private partner

With 5 years remaining until 2015, we are at the critical junction for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

This publication provides readers with an introduction to community forestry, taking eight country examples from Europe and Asia. In each example the legislation and organizational forms are described, and environmental, economical and social aspects discussed. The publication is intended for forestry students, forestry practitioners and policy makers, and interested members of the general public.

As part of the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) study, XAD-resin based passive samplers are being deployed for consecutive one-year periods at numerous sites on all seven continents to determine annually averaged concentrations of persistent organic pollutants.
