This report summarizes the good practices that were culled from a case study series on successful Asian water utilities. The case studies presented objective, accurate, and critical analyses of urban water management practices in eight Asian cities over a 10-year period.

This publication synthesizes observations and findings from almost 50 country and thematic reports in providing analyses of the status and trends of all aspects of Asia-Pacific forestry. Key factors driving changes in forestry in the region are analysed.

This paper overviews the debate on the relationship between the measures of globalization, economic growth and pace of urbanization, and speculates on its impact on the quality of life and poverty in the context of Asian countries. After experiencing
moderate to high urban growth for three to four decades since the 1950s, most of these countries have reported a significant deceleration.

A set of easy-to-use species identification guides designed to help Southeast Asian CITES Management Authorities, Police, Customs and other enforcement officers as they inspect shipments of wildlife and derivative products.

This presentation by CAI-Asia Center highlights survey results of the current pedestrian infrastructure and policies in selected cities. These will be used to develop and propose pedestrian focused solutions for Asian cities.

Adult deaths are a crucial priority for global health. Causes of adult death are important components of Millennium Development Goals 5 and 6. However, adult mortality has received little policy attention, resources, or monitoring efforts. This study aimed to estimate worldwide mortality in men and women aged 15

It is estimated that the size of the medical tourism market in the country will be Rs 1,95,000 crore in 2012. Based on a literature review of healthcare business media, policy documents and a few academic papers, this essay looks at the scope for medical tourism in India and situates it within the Asian context.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Munnar, a tourism destination generally considered to be hurtling down through the phase of diminishing returns, has been voted as the second best destination in Asia by Tripadvisor

Tina Edwin

AGAINST the backdrop of slow recovery in the developed world, repayment crisis led cuts in government spending and protectionist moves in many countries such as the US, export dependent Asian economies will have to increasingly depend on trade within the region to sustain their economic growth.

New Delhi: Child labourers may be declining in sheer numbers yet more children are at work in the Asia-Pacific region than the rest of the world combined.
