Americans are increasingly convinced that the planet's climate is changing and show more support for regulating greenhouse gas emissions, finds a Duke University online survey released Thursday.

Barack Obama is certainly talking the talk on climate change - promising to put the fight against global warming at the heart of his second term. What's more surprising is that the US - historically, the world's biggest emitter - actually seems to be walking the walk. It is on track to meet Obama's 2009 pledge to cut US emissions by 17 per cent, from 2005 levels, by 2020. The target could even be exceeded, which may give a boost to the long-stalled international climate talks.

Germany and six other EU nations hold the key to the decision on a rescue plan for the world's biggest carbon market after prices slumped due to record oversupply, three EU officials with knowledge

The consequences of climate change are now hitting the United States on several fronts, including health, infrastructure, water supply, agriculture and especially more frequent severe weather, a co

New policy likely to help cut greenhouse gases in US by 17%

Used by governments for decades, market-based policies are mechanisms to control environmental pollution at various leverage points.

An emerging coalition is implementing carbon trading despite political obstacles. It is rewriting the map of climate diplomacy, says Michael Grubb.

President Barack Obama signed a bill on Tuesday shielding US airlines from paying for each ton of carbon their planes flying into and out of Europe emit, despite a recent move by Europe to suspend

It had been a nervous few days.

President Barack Obama said he plans to work with Congress in his second term to curb human-aggravated climate change, but not at the expense of the U.S. economy.
