trial and error: The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee has approved large-scale trial of Bt Brinjal, the first ever genetically modified food crop. This comes on the heel of a latest ASSOCHAM

>> In the latest plan to stem the flow of the mud volcano that erupted last year in East Java, Indonesia, a US $69 million-proposal has been chalked out. A concrete dam will be built to check the mud flow, which has already displaced around 15,000 people (see

In the early 1970s, facing overwhelming obstacles, a young visionary named Paolo Lugari set out to build a sustainable village on los llanos, the remote plains of Colombia, some 500 kilometers east of the country

When American writer O'Henry coined the pejorative term banana republic, he most certainly did not have the doings of the banana producer Chiquita in mind. But the us company was recently forced

>> Colombia recently decided to stop glyphosate aerial spraying near the Ecuador border (see

Despite protests by the Colombian indigenous Way

The endangered Nukak-Mak


In a recent meeting in Quito, the Ecuadorean capital, the heads of the four Andean Community of Nations signed the Quito Declaration, which seeks the extension of trade preferences with the us for

About 80 members of the remote Nukak-Maku tribe of Colombia recently wandered out of the Amazon forests and set up camp in the southern part of the country, declaring themselves ready to join the
