A first analysis of the summary results from the National Sample Survey Offi ce's 2011-12 consumer expenditure survey throws up some interesting results. The monthly per capita expenditure shows an accelerated growth across all deciles. However, expenditure inequality has widened in both rural and urban areas. A study of the "drought effect" in 2009-10 by using information from the 2004-05, 2009-10 and 2011-12 surveys suggests that the impact of the drought on the rural poor may have been softened by government programmes, while the urban poor were less fortunate that year.

New Delhi: Delhi will soon join the list of solar cities. Recently, the New Delhi Municipal Council floated tenders inviting proposals from consultants for the solar city project.

This NSSO report provides data on rural and urban Indian households by primary source of energy for cooking and for lighting.

The passage of the food security Bill looks bright despite the fiscal mess and attempts to examine the ramifications of implementing the proposed law.

Data from different national and regional surveys show that hypertension is common in developing countries, particularly in urban areas, and that rates of awareness, treatment, and control are low. Several hypertension risk factors seem to be more common in developing countries than in developed regions. Findings from serial surveys show an increasing prevalence of hypertension in developing countries, possibly caused by urbanisation, ageing of population, changes to dietary habits, and social stress.

The recent massive blackouts in India caused many observers of India’s emergence as an economic powerhouse to wonder whether the country’s economic growth can be sustained with a power sector subje

Human stress on the environment has long been debated and different views about the human drivers of greenhouse-gas emissions have emerged. Now research synthesizes the debate by looking at empirical evidence and offers new insights on the role of human population, affluence, urbanization, trade, culture and institutions on greenhouse-gas emissions trends.

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has completed the Field work of NSS 68th round on 30th June 2012. This round was devoted mainly to Household Consumer Expenditure and Employment and Unemployment.

TIME TO BLOW THE FUSE A 2nd consecutive day of blackout stunningly caps the shameful blowouts of governance & policy the country has been suffering with impunity.

The rising affluence of the 1 per cent may not only mean there is less for everyone else. What does inequality mean for your health?
