Biodiversity threats from Red Lists are linked with patterns of international trade, identifying the ultimate instigators of the threats; developed countries tend to be net importers of implicated commodities, driving biodiversity decline in developing countries.

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Increasing population size and per capita impacts are making sustainability a difficult to goal to achieve; this Review explores possibilities for sustainable development.

Localized ecological systems are known to shift abruptly and irreversibly from one state to another when they are forced across critical thresholds. Here we review evidence that the global ecosystem as a whole can react in the same way and is approaching a planetary-scale critical transition as a result of human influence. The plausibility of a planetary-scale ‘tipping point’ highlights the need to improve biological forecasting by detecting early warning signs of critical transitions on global as well as local scales, and by detecting feedbacks that promote such transitions.

This year, World Environment Day comes at a time when India’s growth story has run into trouble.

This paper explores the type and quality of linkages between the objective of achieving sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns, and those of poverty alleviation and sustainable development.

With energy consumption worldwide projected to roughly double in the next 35 years, conventional wisdom says renewable sources of power will play a big role in meeting demand.

New Delhi: There has been a six-fold increase in the number of antibiotics being popped by Indians.

The statistics pertaining to income and expenditures of the citizens presented by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) on Thursday has revealed that food accounted for about 57 per cent o

New Delhi: Stricter energy efficiency norms for air-conditioners unveiled on Wednesday would further reduce your power bills and save up to Rs 1,000 crore by December, 2013, by way of putting lesse

This paper is the product of an independent, Southern drafting group commissioned by the Danish 92 Group. It lays out a Southern perspective on how a Green Economy as discussed in the Rio+20 context must be designed to contribute to – rather than distract from – sustainable development.
