IFAP came together with the world

Let's cut to the chase. The issue in Copenhagen is not one of gases, but how the world will cut carbon dioxide

This document presents the summary of the Agriculture and Rural Development Day event held at the University of Copenhagen, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 12 December 2009.

Even the most enthusiastic climate advocate would have been disappointed with the outcome of the climate change conference held in Copenhagen. To have expected something like a new, detailed, legal treaty would have been naive; the Conference was always about long-term signals and overall market sentiment and not about short-term strategies affecting carbon prices.

This report supports development of a national policy and sectoral strategies. The urgent needs for adaptation are up to $650 million per year by 2012. In the road to Copenhagen, and beyond, three foundations are institutional capacity, knowledge management and multi-stakeholder funding for developing early prototypes of successful action.

The 15th Conference of the Parties (CoP 15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Copenhagen from the 7th to the 18th of December, 2009. At this CoP, agreements were to be finalised in two sets of parallel negotiations.

Climate Change Convention 13 November, 2009 - Bhutan will join 192 countries with three key negotiation points when they sit at the 15th session of the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC), also called COP15, which will take place in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, next month.


Given the emissions forecasts of both the industrialized and developing economies, and the disproportionate vulnerability of the world

30 Oct 2012

I start this blog on climate politics as tropical superstorm Sandy expends its fury on the eastern coast of the US. The satellite imagery shows the movement of the gathering storm as it builds and breaks over land, bringing with it massive destruction and massive upheaval in the wealthiest and most powerful nation of the world.

04 Jul 2012

The theme of the Rio + 20 Conference was "Green economy in the context of sustainable development and eradication of poverty" and it has not been possible to the find common ground in the serious differences over what constitute economic growth and human wellbeing – ‘the future we want’. Humans have always altered their natural environment, what is new is that the adverse effects of economic activities exceed those of resource extraction. Soon the Earth will not be able to absorb the carbon dioxide generated by excessive consumption.
