With no binding commitment on the part of the developed countries, Copenhagen was a dead deal. (Editorial)

The young activists at the site of climate negotiations were handcuffed and made to sit in rows that ran deep, on a wet, muddy field in freezing temperatures. The chant was meant for the international television crew present in great numbers. That was the exact mood among the international activists outside the negotiating process.

This is a critique by CSE on the Copenhagen accord. It examines the accord in detail with respect to India

This paper provides a brief overview of the outcome of the UN conference and a discussion of the implications of decisions made there in respect to the transport sector, and how transport can play a more defining role in addressing climate change.

While only a limited number of Non-Annex I Parties have made submissions in response to the Copenhagen Accord, the proportion of these that included agriculture may be an indicator that agriculture is likely to become an important component of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in developing countries.

When parties and observers arrived in Copenhagen last December (2009), for two weeks of intense negotiations, it was already clear that no legally binding agreement was expected to be

The author who has been in the forefront of negotiations for climate change has given a first hand account of the negotiations at Copenhagen and what needs to be done now. He vividly brings out the thought process and the stands taken by various countries also highlighting the outcome of the accord which was reached at Copenhagen at the very last moment.

After the Copenhagen Climate Summit the world still needs a fair, ambitious and binding treaty to protect people and nature from runaway climate change. This paper identifies important next steps governments should take on a path towards agreeing such a treaty. First, it assesses the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Summit and details the strengths and weaknesses of the Copenhagen Accord.

Brasilia: President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva signed a law on Tuesday requiring that Brazil cut greenhouse gas emissions by 39% by 2020, meeting a commitment made at the Copenhagen climate change summit.

By committing a 20% reduction in emission intensity while the west is only making negligible effort and aligning itself with China when our emissions are closer to Africa
