There were as many opinions about what took place in Copenhagen last December 2009, as there were participants. Even more.

Ad?hoc Working Group on Long Term Co?operative Action, in its 9th Session has invited the Chair to prepare a text to facilitate
negotiations among Parties, drawing on the report of the AWG?LCA presented to the COP at its 15th Session, as well as work undertaken by the COP on the basis of that report.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, in collaboration with RECOFTC

UN climate talks held in Bonn, Germany over the weekend produced only modest progress in the negotiations toward a global deal to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. The sluggish pace of the weekend discussions suggests that 2010 may turn out to be a painfully slow year for the multilateral climate talks.

The Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change was endorsed by the Development Committee on October 12, 2008, providing a roadmap for the World Bank Group

This report analyses the international climate negotiations that took place at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC held in Copenhagen in December 2009. It lays out the main issues at stake in the negotiations, contrasts divergences in interests amongst negotiating parties, and summarises the results achieved in Copenhagen.

A policy shift is evident as the Environment Minister seeks to drop the option of equal per capita entitlement of atmospheric commons.ONCE again, barely a month and a half after the Copenhagen Conference of Parties (COP-15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Indian government

This document contains the talk on

Those who had predicted in the lead up to the fifteenth Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) that

Climate change is definitely the biggest story of the 21st century. But its sheer complexity and urgency is defeating us. For the past 19 years-the first intergovernmental negotiations took place in Washington DC, USA in early 1991-the world has been arguing about what it knows but doesn't accept.
