London: A British plane, carrying 232 passengers and crew members, has created aviation history by flying from Birmingham to Lanzarote using cooking oil.

World food prices fell 2 per cent in September, reflecting higher grain supplies and weakened demand, the United Nations’ food agency said on Thursday, easing inflation concerns ahead of an expecte

At least two million tons of cooking oil are recycled illegally every year and used by restaurants in China, posing a serious health hazard to diners, according to a report on Thursday on the Web s

Malaysia, the word's No.2 palm oil producer, will come up with a certification scheme to ensure the tropical oil is grown without clearing forests and destroying wildlife, a newspaper reported on M

These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives)

Sunflower harvesting has just concluded in Punjab but state agriculture minister Sucha Singh Langah seems to be blisfully unaware. With the Akali-BJP ministers being on pressnote-issuing spree, Langah announced a subsidy to boost sunflower cultivation last week.

This paper estimates the impact of the high food prices of 2010 on income poverty and the achievement of MDG 1 in Asia and the Pacific. It also estimates the impacts of high price during 2011 under various scenarios for the prices of food and oil.

Global food prices continue to rise month after month, driven by longer-term and more recent trends. Financialisation is an important factor among the recent trends. There is strong evidence of correlation among the markets for different financial assets, including stocks/shares, commodities and currencies. Falling asset prices in other financial market segments may thus be more important for explaining the recent surge in food prices than supply constraints or changing demand and other factors underlying longer-term gradual upward price trends.

This document is the first volume in a new series of publications to mark the 10th year of Bt cotton cultivation in India. It is a comprehensive and rich source of information on the multi-purpose utility Bt cotton for food (oil), feed (cake) and fiber (kapas) that has been gaining popularity in the country since 2002.

P M Raghunandan, July 29, Bangalore:

The State Government has at last has taken a crucial step towards ensuring quality and quantity in the supply of edible oil to consumers. As many as 29 widely-used edible oils, including refined vegetable oil, coconut oil and sunflower oil have to be sold in packaged sachets, henceforth.
