The NSS consumer expenditure survey (CES) aims at generating estimates of average household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE), its distribution over households and persons, and its break-up by commodity group, at national and State/UT level, and for different socio-economic groups.

This new report contains valuable data on consumption levels and pattern of households in Delhi. It also provides information on the main demographic features like literacy, social-group, marital status, occupational distribution, and other aspects of living conditions like, source of energy for cooking/lighting, dwelling ownership type, etc.

Alarmed over the steep increase in obesity-related ailments in India, the Centre is planning norms for trans-fatty acid content in vanaspati oil by limiting it to 10 per cent and bring it down to five per cent in the next two years.

Along with this, the government also plans to introduce mandatory labelling providing information on saturated fat and trans fatty acids content on packs of vanaspati oil, hydrogenated vegetable oil, edible oil and other products containing TFA.

It is evident that there have been some significant changes in the food consumption basket. The latest National Sample Survey data for 2009-10 (66th Round) show a further shift away from food to non-food items in all expenditure categories across both rural and urban areas. This analysis of changes across three rounds (1993-94, 2004-05 and 2009-10) reveals that the pace of change accelerated between 2004-05 and 2009-10.

This report presents the information on nutritional intake by the Indian population. Among the different nutrients only three nutrients – viz, calorie, protein and fat – are discussed in this report. The report gives an idea about intake of these nutrients in different monthly per capital expenditure classes from different items of food.

The State government has sanctioned nearly Rs.

The NSS consumer expenditure survey aims at generating estimates of average household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE), its distribution over households and persons, and its break-up by commodity group, separately for the rural and urban sectors of the country, for States and Union Territories, and for different socioeconomic

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