The west Asian crisis, rising prices and global warming are pushing large oil users to rethink energy alternatives and biofuel has become the buzzword. Various options are

China and India, the world's fastest growing energy markets, are the special focus of the 2007 edition in the award-winning World Energy Outlook (WEO) series. How fast will demand in these dynamic economies rise? How will it be met? And what impact will their energy choices have on the rest of the world?

This study looks at trends in GHG emissions in different regions across the world, and analyses the major drivers. It provides an overview of the policies, strategies and measures being adopted and planned worldwide to combat climate change. It compares the different approaches adopted in different regions and the reasons for differences in emphasis. It assesses the measures in terms of their expected impacts on the key WEC objectives of energy accessibility, availability and acceptability.

This document contains the Report of the working group on new and renewable energy for XITH five year plan (2007-12) .

In a bid to decrease its dependence on fossil oil imports and produce environment-friendly energy, Senegal has announced the launching of a biofuel-production programme in cooperation with Brazil and

The Pacific Gas and Electric Co (pg&e), California's biggest natural gas company, has announced plans to buy natural gas generated from cow manure in the state dairy farms to fuel its power plants.

A new publication on energy in the region raises critical questions

Almost all petrol stations in the town of Alice Springs, in Northern Territory, Australia, replaced unleaded petrol with the non-sniffable Opal fuel, in the second week of September. According to the

A full-page advertisement on September 20 announced a ceasefire of sorts between Arunachal Pradesh and the Union government. The state government will sign memoranda of understanding (mou) with big

Power to the people: The Sri Lankan government has started working on a five-year national plan on power and energy development to provide quality service at cheaper rates and to solve the country's
