In Europe, the growing appeal of RE has pulled down wholesale electricity rates

igshare's annual report, The State of Open Data 2017, looks at global attitudes towards open data. It includes survey results of 2,300 respondents and a collection of articles from industry experts, as well as a foreword from Jean-Claude Burgelman, Head of Unit Open Data Policies and Science Cloud at the European Commission.

Building stronger links between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction experts is more important than ever in wake of recent devastating and extreme weather events across Europe and elsewhere.

The Index of Economic Freedom provides compelling evidence of the wide-ranging tangible benefits of living in freer societies. The Index analyzes economic policy developments in 186 countries.

Melting ice is causing coastal waters in Greenland to become less saline, which may in turn affect marine life as well as the global ocean currents that keep Europe warm, a study warns.

Most people living in European cities are exposed to poor air quality. Latest estimates by the European Environment Agency (EEA), show that fine particulate matter continues to cause the premature death of more than 400 000 Europeans annually.

Finds that for cars, the cost for meeting a 2025 target value of 70 g/km (as measured in the New European Driving Cycle - NEDC) is between 250 and 500 euros higher than would be the case in a footprint-based CO2 target system.

Underweight, overweight, and obesity in childhood and adolescence are associated with adverse health consequences throughout the life-course. Our aim was to estimate worldwide trends in mean body-mass index (BMI) and a comprehensive set of BMI categories that cover underweight to obesity in children and adolescents, and to compare trends with those of adults.

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DAWN in Bialowieza forest, and the bellowing of deer in rut competes with the buzz of chainsaws.

The bioenergy industry has successfully portrayed itself to the EU as a sustainable, renewable energy solution, leading to a vast expansion in the use of biofuels and other types of bioenergy.
