Nitrogen (N) is essential to the survival of all life forms and often limits productivity, decomposition and the long-term accumulation of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil and vegetation are the respective primary and secondary sinks for N in terrestrial ecosystems. Litter production determines the amount and quality of N returned to the forest floor and mineral soil. Decomposition of litter is crucial for N recycling and is influenced by a number of factors, including litter concentrations of N and lignin.

The importance of environment enhanced in India in the aftermath of Stockholm Conference (1972)when steps were taken on environmental protection and conservation at the national level. This led to development of Environment Statistics which, to a large extent, are used to explain the relationship between the economic activities and their impact on the environment. Economic indicator such as GDP is no longer considered to be an adequate measure for sustainable development. The UNSD finalized a set of environmental indicators for international compilation in 1995.

The biodiversity register of Heggarni panchayat in Karnataka is ready. Or, is it? The committee evaluating the register

If a consortium of scientists has its way there will be a Wikipedia style database for the natural world soon. An effort to collate information on the 1.8 million species of animals, plants and

scientists are trying to mimic a leaf cell using synthetic molecules

the diversity of bees and the flowers they pollinate has sharply declined in the uk and the Netherlands since 1980, says a study jointly conducted by scientists from the two countries. The

no fishy treatment: A human blood clotting agent required for treating haemophilia and serious bleeding has been produced using genetically modified fish by researchers from the University of

A thermal power plant (TPP) is threatening to snuff out the 100-year-old livelihood of farmers in Maharashtra's Dahanu taluka. It is alleged that pollution from the unit has led to a steady decline

Human threat to biodiversity

What makes a species invasive?
